Sunday, May 10, 2009

Protecting Ourselves Against Swine Flu

Over the last few weeks I have had a rash of people contacting me because of their increasing fears about contracting Swine Flu. And though the disease appears to only yield a minor upper respiratory infection in most, there appear to be other populations far more vulnerable to serious illness. Why was the death toll greater in Mexico? What can we do to protect ourselves now? Will this become a major pandemic? These are just some of the questions that still remain unanswered.

In 1918, one of the worst pandemics in history took the lives of between twenty to one hundred million people. More troubling was the fact that many of those who died had the strongest immune systems. The flu epidemic of 1918 came to be called the Spanish Flu, because it was thought to have originated in Spain (actually, there is strong evidence to suggest that it came from a farm in Kansas that bred livestock for solders during the war).

Years after the epidemic had come to an end, it was discovered that it was in fact caused by the Influenza A H1NI virus, the same strain we see today. That many young and healthy people died in that pandemic has lead many scientists to suspect that a condition known as "cytokine storm" had taken place. This happens when the body's own immune response is so aggressive it results in violent inflammation causing respiratory hemorrhage and death.

Further exasperating the condition, for many people who suffered, was the added iatrogenic deaths caused by doctors who prescribed a combination of aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatories. This combination of medications lead to the increased risk for a condition known as Disseminated Inter-vascular Coagulation, whereby the body begins to throw clots resulting in hemorrhages of the lungs and other organs. In fact, so many doctors gave NSAIDS and Aspirin that it is believed that medical intervention may have accounted for many of the deaths.

Today, doctors are prescribing several antiviral medications, most notably Tamaflu. Furthermore, we have a greater understanding of the importance of hygiene today then we did then. Frequent hand washing has been encouraged. But in addition, naturopathic doctors are recommending several supplements to help support immune function, including elderberry, echinacea, and astragalus, to help reduce inflammation and build the immune system. We are also recommending additional supplementation with vitamins C, D, and A, as well as zinc and selenium for additional support.

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