Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Stress In Childhood Can Impact Health Long Into Adulthood

The ways in which childhood trauma and abuse can impact a person's health for years to come is a disturbing idea to contemplate. We would like to believe that once a child has left an abusive or stressful home they can then begin to live a healthier and happier life. Unfortunately, the long term effects of abuse can last long after the abuse has ended.

A recently published article in the health section of the BBC, has revealed several studies showing the long term effects of poverty and childhood stress on overall health for years to come.

Childhood stress, abuse and poverty, were found to increase a person's risk for cardiovascular disease, inflammation, high blood pressure and a host of other diseases. Childhood abuse and poverty has also been associated with long term stress in social situations; which can increase blood pressure and have a negative impact on health.

Research shows that children who survive childhood abuse and neglect are at greater risk of incarceration, drug abuse, suicide, relationship instability, shortened life span, and illiteracy.

The role of a Naturopath is to treat both the cause of disease and to encourage preventative measures be taken to insure people remain healthy. Having said that, it seems obvious to me that health care practitioners, or anyone who is concerned with public health, should take an active role in education and advocacy for policy changes necessary to reduce the risk of childhood neglect and abuse; which has such long term negative impacts on public health over all.

Alternative health care offers hope and education to people wishing to improve their health and well being, and I do not wish to suggest that their are no options to survivors of abuse to recover and improve their health. Rather, I would suggest that health care providers cannot address the idea of preventative health care; if that discussion does not address social inequality and its impact on public health.

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